Diastasis Recti Treatment


Having a diastasis can feel a little worrying and many women can understandably feel like their ‘core’ is weakened and vulnerable. Let me help you with this 90 minute session.

A diastasis in itself is needed in Pregnancy to allow our soft tissue to expand. Sometimes we are left with a gap difficult to close, due to a variety of issues, which may include:

  • How far we stretched
  • Our breathing patterns
  • How we use our abdominal pressure
  • Our posture
  • Our ‘history’ pre pregnancy.

In this session we will look at a variety of different things, taking the body as a whole, trying to ascertain what’s causing the issue.  During the session you will receive hands on treatment for your tummy, as well as any other areas which highlight restrictions.

You will be sent home with some self massage techniques as well as some exercise homework consisting of stretches and strengthening exercises.  These will be very specific for you and your current issue.

A follow-up session is recommended and will depend on what is highlighted during the session.


Diastasis Recti Treatment:
90 minutes £95
